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Yellow Oak

Welcome to Yellow Oak



  • Any communication between parents and staff will take place either on the gate for the pupils brought to school by parents or through a contact book/telephone call if your child travels by taxi or via parentmail
  • Please ensure ALL uniform/property is named. If any items are not named we cannot guarantee a safe return
  • Our PE day is on Friday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school and it is fully named
  • Please ensure your child brings a named water bottle to school everyday.

Colourful semantics - Please use the attached resources to support your child in developing their understanding of sentence structure

This term our topic is "Toys in the Attic". This topic is related to our core reading book, 
Traction Man by Mini Grey. We will be learning about toys past and present for our History focus and looking at everyday materials for our Science focus.



We have looked at the history of toys for the first two weeks of this term. Also have also sorted pictures into past and modern toys and looked at mass-produced/homemade toys. We have also gone on a school trip this half term where we saw some past toys in person and even played with them. 



Supporting your child with reading


A sharing book. - Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together.

In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure.

Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this alone.

Read it to or with your child and discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book.


Our phonics scheme - Little Wandle

Please use this link to find resources to support your child at home.

Little Wandle for Parents



Helping your child at home


Keeping Healthy



Independence skills

Cutting with scissors,  putting on shoes, doing up buttons, doing up zips, tying laces, helping around the house - keeping their rooms tidy and cooking, with support.


Here is a more straightforward way of tying laces - give it a try. 


Here is the alternative with the two loops 


Traditional method and other fastenings such as buttons and zips 


Mindfulness and activities could include building construction, colouring, playdough modelling, jigsaws, etc.

Music is available on youtube (make sure that you are monitoring ads)
