Welcome to Parkway Primary School
Welcome to Parkway Primary website which will hopefully give you a good insight into our fully inclusive community school and answer any questions you may have about the school.
We are very proud of our successful school which continues to be judged as a good school by OFSTED. It also has national assessment results which are always around the national average but over recent years have been above the national average for both the expected standard and greater depth in reading and maths for our mainstream children.
Our school is a one form entry primary which means we have up to 30 children in each class. However, we are very fortunate to have two specialist provisions for both children with moderate and server learning difficulties. This has resulted in all our children being well educated whatever their starting point.
Our school is made up of a rich and diverse group of children and adults who come from a number of different cultural backgrounds which we celebrate. All our children are well educated, proactive, resilient, happy and healthy individuals who have been cultivated to have a love of learning which will create a solid knowledge base along with the skills to enable them in all their future endeavours. This positive approach is seen through our attendance and is noted by visitors who regularly talk about the exemplary behaviour of our children and the lovely atmosphere around our school.
We will achieve our aim through the Parkway curriculum which is accessible to every child and will increase their cultural capital through a child centred, creative and dynamic set of bespoke learning opportunities which will enrich them as human beings and allow them to leave Parkway Primary with a solid breadth of knowledge supported by transferable skills.
We look forward to sharing with you many more of the exciting elements of life at our school through the pages on the website or seeing you in person for a visit.
Mr. Celino-Stock
Head Teacher
Parkway Philosophy
Parkway Primary School Mission Statement
As a school we aim to ensure our children are well educated, proactive, resilient, happy and healthy individuals who have been cultivated to have a love of learning which will create a solid knowledge base along with the skills to enable them in all their future endeavours.
We aim to achieve this through a curriculum which is accessible to every child and will increase their cultural capital through a child centred, creative and dynamic set of bespoke learning opportunities which will enrich them as human beings and allow them to leave Parkway Primary with a solid breadth of knowledge supported by transferable skills.
Our learning environment will allow our children to take risks within a safe and secure setting both in and out of the classroom.
Our mission will be achieved through our ACE approach:
Aiming high with confidence
Co-operating and learning together
Enabling everyone to succeed
Our school motto is:
Learning to Achieve