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Home School Agreement

Agreement for Pupils

In order for me to succeed in school I will: 

· Work hard by:

Ø Aiming high with confidence

Ø Co-operating and learning together

Ø Enabling everybody to succeed

· Keep the golden rules:

Ø We are gentle

Ø We are kind and helpful

Ø We listen We are honest

Ø We work hard

Ø We look after property

· Come to school regularly and on time

· Do my preparation for school

· Wear the correct school uniform

· Promote my house

Agreement for Parents/Carers

As a Parents/Carer I will: 

· Encourage and support my child’s learning and progress in school

· Abide by the school’s aims, ethos, policies, procedures and rules

· Ensure my child attends school and is punctual

· Ensure that my child comes to school ready to learn, having rested and eaten

· Ensure my child completes preparation set

· Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform

· Attend open evenings for parents/carers

· Attend any school link appointments which relate to my child’s health and education

· Inform the school about any issues which may affect my child’s learning

Agreement of School

The school will: 

· Provide the best possible learning environment which is safe, stimulating and enabling

· Set high expectations for your child’s academic success

· Continually seek to improve your child’s academic performance

· Keep you informed of your child’s progress

· Deliver a broad, balanced and carefully planned curriculum which is matched to the needs of your child

· Provide appropriate preparation to support your child’s learning

· Bridge social barriers to learning

· Support your child in maintaining and working within the school ethos of:

Ø Aiming high with confidence

Ø Co-operating and learning together

Ø Enabling everybody to succeed
