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Late/Absence Procedures


Parkway Primary School expects that all children will arrive on time for school each day.  In the event that your child is late the following procedures then apply:

  • children are marked late (L) if they arrive after 8:45am but before the close of registers
  • children are marked unauthorised (U) if they arrive after registers close at 9:15am.  Afternoon registers will be closed at 1.30pm
  • children arriving late will need to be signed in at Reception by a parent/carer
  • after receiving five late marks, a letter will be sent to the parents/carers from the Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral
  • after receiving ten late marks (persistently late), a letter will be sent to the parent/carer from the Education Welfare Office (EWO), and an appointment may be given to attend a surgery with the EWO



General procedures:

  • if a child is absent due to illness we require a verbal message, telephone call or email notification.  (For further details please refer to the paragraph headed Procedures when a child is absent)
  • where there are concerns regarding attendance, parents/carers will be contacted and invited in to discuss any issues.  If concerns persist despite this the school may involve outside agencies where appropriate to support the child to access a full education.  (For further details please refer to the paragraph headed Monitoring and Processes).
  • the school works closely with the EWO who comes into school on a regular basis and where persistent absence is an issue a referral may be made to the Education Welfare Service.  (For further details please refer to the paragraph headed Monitoring and Processes).
  • we do not authorise any holiday during term time, in line with Bexley Local Authority’s Policy and Procedures
  • Penalty Notices may be issued by the Local Authority to parents/carers who take their children out of school on term time holiday