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Late/Absence Procedures


There is an agreed procedure of which everyone is aware; children are deemed to be late when the playground gates are locked and they arrive through the front office.


● Children are marked late (L) if they arrive after 8:45am

● Children are marked unauthorised (U) if they arrive after 9:15am

● Late pupils are recorded by the Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) or a member of the office team.

● The EWO supports ‘late gate’ sessions monthly.

● All lates are recorded as the child and parent come through the foyer

● After five lates, a letter is sent to the parent or carer from the Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral)

● After ten lates (persistent), a letter is sent to the parent or carer from the Education Welfare Office (EWO) and an appointment is given to attend a surgery with the EWO.

● A trophy is awarded to most punctual class each week in achievement assembly.



● If a child is absent due to illness we require a telephone call, verbal message and then written note explaining the absence.

● Children are made aware of percentage attendance each week in assembly and these are displayed in the hall and on the school’s website.

● Parents attending achievement assembly are also made aware through this process.

● Attendance cup is given to the class with the best attendance each week.

● Where there are concerns regarding attendance parents are contacted and invited in to discuss any issues. If concerns persist despite this the school will involve outside agencies where appropriate.

● School works closely with the EWO who comes in to school on a regular basis. 

● We do not authorise any holiday during term time, in line with Bexley Local Authority’s Policy and Procedures.

● Penalty Notices may be issued to Parents/Carers of pupils who take their children out of school on term time holidays.
