Welcome to Ash 3's class page
PE Lessons
Our PE lessons will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that the correct indoor and outdoor PE kit is in school at all times. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term.
Homework is made up of four key elements:
- Project: The children will be given a project linked to their topic for the half term. This is intended to be an ongoing piece of work to be completed over the term. Where possible we will seek to offer an electronic form of completing this, via the pupil's Google Classroom account, or they can choose to complete on paper. Please note that due to GDPR restrictions we are not able to use external storage devices such as USB flashdrives in school. Unless otherwise stated the deadline for projects will be the last week of term. This will allow the children time to share them with them classmates.
- Spellings:The children will receive a list of spellings at the start of each half term. It will be stated which set are for which week. These will be tested every Monday. The children need to practise their spellings in their spelling book and bring the book into school every Monday. This will enable us to check that they have practised and, more importantly, allow us to mark in their test result in order to keep you updated of their performance.
- Times Tables: Quick recall of times tables is key to being a good mathematician as it is needed in a lot of maths areas- not just multiplying! The children will be issued with a timetable at the beginning of each half term. This will inform them which times table(s) they need to practise each week. They need to practise in their times tables books-although additional oral practise is always useful too! Times tables will be tested on Mondays. Therefore the children will need their times tables books in school on this day.
- Reading: Whilst the majority of year 3 children are competent decoders, it is essential that they read regularly. The government benchmark for all children from Key Stage 1 upwards is that they can read an age appropriate text at a rate of 90 words per minute. This takes practise! Whilst you may not hear your child read everyday, it is still essential to listen them regularly and to share their ideas and thoughts in order to check their understanding of vocabulary and comprehension skills. Reading journals are checked once a week to ensure that they are reading at least 5 times a week. The children may record this themselves but we would ask that an adult signs the book to confirm that the child has read. The children need to have both their reading journal and reading book in school every day.