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Uniform Information



Developing pride is a key value of the school. A high standard of student appearance and presentation helps reflect the values of the school. The school uniform encourages a sense of identity and reduces the effects of peer pressure to dress or present oneself in a particular way. Correct dress and tidy appearance are important elements of the school-wide behaviour expectations.


  1. Students must abide by the uniform regulations as circulated by the school and agreed at enrolment.
  2. If, for any reason, it is not possible to wear any part of the correct uniform on any given day, a letter must be sent in to the Head Teacher, from the parent or carer, explaining the reason and advising when the situation will be rectified.
  3. Uniform must be clean, free of stains, holes or fraying.
  4. Garments worn under the school uniform must not be visible (e.g. cycle shorts, T-shirts) and must be red, white or black.
  5. Uniform and dress code standards apply when travelling to and from school and on official out of school activities and educational visits.




  1. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. This includes the shaving of symbols into the hair.
  2. Colouring of hair or skin and the use of dyes are not permitted.
  3. No makeup, temporary tattoos or nails varnish to be worn.
  4. No jewellery except for a wrist watch and small stud earringsIf earrings are worn in PE lessons they must be covered by a tape such as Micropore.  This needs to be done by the parent before school or the child before PE.  Earrings can be removed by the child so long as they have permission from parents. We cannot take responsibility for loss of earrings.




Smart black trousers, skirt, pinafore or culottes (no leggings)

Red Polo shirt (no white shirts/blouses or any other coloured shirt/blouse)

Red school sweatshirt/fleece with or without Parkway logo

Plain red cardigan

Plain black or white socks

Plain black or white tights (no footless tights)

All black shoes (no boots or high heels)

In summer term a red and white checked summer dress may be worn

In summer term smart black shorts may be worn

Headscarves – Plain red, black or white only

Hair beads – Plain black, red or white (not worn for P.E.)



PE Kit

White t-shirt/polo shirt

Plain black shorts 

Black plimsolls for indoor P.E

Plain black trainers for outdoor P.E

Plain black tracksuit (no leggings)


Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child's name.
