Home Page

Ash 1

 Welcome to Ash 1 


Welcome to Ash 1's class page!

This term our topic is "Wider World". This topic is related to our core reading book, 
The lonely beast by Chris Judge. 


In year 1 we will begin with Geography and look at the different continents and oceans. We will also look at coasts and some key human and physical features. This will lead to our history topic about past UK holidays.






The Continents song-


The World Oceans song -



PE Lessons

Our PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that the correct indoor and outdoor PE kit is in school at all times. 

PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term.

Summer 2 Homework 

Spellings will be handed out weekly (on Fridays), and spelling tests will occur weekly (on Fridays).


Helpful Websites for Home Learning!
