This is where we will set activities for you to complete at home, together with providing the necessary support and guidance you may require.
To ensure all children are able to fully access the curriculum, we are using Google classroom to set work to be completed at home.
Google classroom is a fully interactive system that allows children to read and complete tasks, continue learning in all subject areas and interact with the class teacher through comment sections. Google classroom is an online system that can be used on any device from computers to mobile phones with internet access.
How to access Google classroom
For children to access their Google classroom page they will be required to:
Now you are logged into Google classroom! You can now repeatedly access the classroom by simply signing into your account.
Below we have included a link to our video centre. Here you will find Google help videos we have created which show you step by step how to log in, access classwork, submit tasks for marking and making comments for class teachers.
Home learning (known as blended learning) expectations per week
Children will be expected to complete:
Children also have their termly homework projects which include the times tables and spellings that are to be practised each term at home. Children can begin working on their homework projects from the first week of each new term and are due to submit their work online by the end of each term.
During whole school closures, it is a National expectation that children working within the EYFS or Key Stage one complete 3 hours of school work per day and children within Key Stage 2 complete 4 hours per day.
As a school, we complete weekly registers (after 3pm every Thursday) to identify the work that has been completed by each child throughout a week. Class teachers will then make phone calls every two weeks to all children in their class to support with remote learning.
All work that is then submitted is responded to by the Class teach with a What Went Well (WWW) and an Even Better If (EBI). This will then be used to track children's outcomes and progression throughout this time.
Q. Why isn't my child's username and password working?
A. Check you have included after the username - For example if the username was cat.303 then I would type
Q. Why isn't my child's class code working?
A. Check that you are signed into your child's Google account and not an adults account. Google classroom has been locked so only Parkway user accounts can access the Google classroom pages.
Q. My child can't remember their username and password, what can I do?
A. Please contact for further support.
Q. Will my child know how to use this system?
A. Most children in the school use Google classroom within their lessons and are therefore familiar with logging in and accessing work. Children also use these codes to log into Chromebooks and therefore are familiar with their usernames and passwords. If your child is not familiar with the system, please use the link above to help.
Q. What happens if my child doesn't understand the work?
A. Class teachers will log into Google classroom daily during bubble closures and weekly at all other times of the year. Children can write comments both on individual tasks and on the message boards for teachers to see. Teachers will then respond to these comments online to support children in accessing their work.
Q. What if the work is becoming too much for my child?
A. Children can take a break. We understand that children and families can sometimes find blended learning a challenge, please be assured that our timetables for work are planned weekly which allows children and families to combine a mixture of daily lessons or bulk learning dependant on how the child is coping that day. Please also remember you can contact the class teacher through Google classroom if you require additional support.
Q. What should I do if my child finishes work too early?
A. We have provided a number of online learning tools in the link below that you can use to support your child's learning.
Sharing children's work
We look forward to seeing the work children have completed and would like to remind you that children are also able to upload photos and videos of any other activities they have taken part in for their teacher to see.
Please follow this link to find out how: